Solver Name: Zenith
API Base URLs:
Available Endpoints:
- [GET] /contract-symbols: Retrieves trading symbols.
- [GET] /aggregatedMarkets: Returns aggregated data by chain
- [GET] /open-interest: Shows open interest data.
- [GET] /notional_cap: Shows notional cap
- [GET] /price-range: Returns price range per token
- [GET] /error_codes: Shows potential error codes
- [GET] /get_locked_params: Returns cva, partyAmm, lf, leverage, and partyBmm given a token symbol.
- [GET] /get_market_info: Returns price, price_change_percent, trade_volume, and notional_cap for all tokens.
- [GET] /get_funding_info: Returns next_funding_time, next_funding_rate_long, and next_funding_rate_short for all tokens.
- [GET] /closing_mode: Returns the closing-only status of the solver. False during normal operations.
- [GET] /long_short: Returns true or false for long and short if adding a given notional_value will violate our long/short ratio policy.
- [GET] /eligible?party_a_owner=0x0000000000000000000000000: Returns true/false if the party_a_owner is eligible based on OFAC sanctions (address and IP-based) to trade with Zenith.
- [GET] /position-state/<start_idx>/<limit_idx>: Returns information on all open positions.
- [GET] /get_balance_info/<party_a_address>/<multi_account_address>: Returns balance info for the given party_a_address and multi_account_address.
Instant trading:
- [POST] /login: Takes account_address, expiration_time, issued_at, signature, and nonce as JSON body. Verifies signature and returns an Auth bearer token.
- [GET] /nonce/<party_a_address>: Returns current nonce for Party A.
- [POST] [Requires Auth bearer token] /instant_open: Takes symbolId, positionType, orderType, price, quantity, cva, lf, partyAMM, partyBMM, maxFundingRate, and deadline in JSON body. Returns success (instant trade pending) or error code.
- [POST] [Requires Auth bearer token] /instant_close: Takes quote_id, quantity_to_close, and close_price in JSON body. Returns success (instant close pending) or error code.
- [DELETE] [Requires Auth bearer token] /instant_open/<quote_id>: Cancel open quote
- [DELETE] [Requires Auth bearer token] /instant_close/<quote_id>: Cancel close quote
Websocket URLs:
- Position State Updates: ws/position-state-ws3/
- Funding Rate Updates: ws/funding-rate-ws/
For detailed schemas and more information, please contact us for access to the full documentation: